
Stream of consciousness and other rants and ramblings

Noesis Notes

Code snippets for working with Noesis plugins

By Published

Got bones and weights working, next step is to figure out how to implement animations.

class NoeBone:
    def __init__(self, index, name, matrix, parentName = None, parentIndex = -1):
        self.index = index = name
        self.parentName = parentName
        self.parentIndex = parentIndex #parent index may be specified instead of parentName, if it's more convenient. this is an index corresponding to self.index, and not the position in the list.
    def __repr__(self):
        return "(NoeBone:" + repr(self.index) + "," + + "," + repr(self.parentName) + "," + repr(self.parentIndex) + ")"

    def setMatrix(self, matrix):
        if not isinstance(matrix, NoeMat43):
            noesis.doException("Invalid type provided for bone matrix")
        self._matrix = matrix
    def getMatrix(self):
        return self._matrix

#keyframe data type
class NoeKeyFramedValue:
    #value may be NoeQuat, NoeVec3, float, etc. depending on the data type specified
    def __init__(self, time, value):
        self.time = time
        self.value = value
        self.componentIndex = 0
    def __repr__(self):
        return "NoeKFVal(time:" + repr(self.time) + " value:" + repr(self.value) + ")"

    def setComponentIndex(self, componentIndex):
        self.componentIndex = componentIndex

#keyframed bone class
class NoeKeyFramedBone:
    def __init__(self, boneIndex):
        self.boneIndex = boneIndex

    #for the set methods, keys should be a list of NoeKeyFramedValue or an object with similarly available members
    def setRotation(self, keys, type = noesis.NOEKF_ROTATION_QUATERNION_4, interpolationType = noesis.NOEKF_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR):
        self.rotationKeys = keys
        self.rotationType = type
        self.rotationInterpolation = interpolationType
    def setTranslation(self, keys, type = noesis.NOEKF_TRANSLATION_VECTOR_3, interpolationType = noesis.NOEKF_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR):
        self.translationKeys = keys
        self.translationType = type
        self.translationInterpolation = interpolationType
    def setScale(self, keys, type = noesis.NOEKF_SCALE_SCALAR_1, interpolationType = noesis.NOEKF_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR):
        self.scaleKeys = keys
        self.scaleType = type
        self.scaleInterpolation = interpolationType

#keyframed animation class
class NoeKeyFramedAnim:
    def __init__(self, name, bones, kfBones, frameRate = 20.0, flags = 0):
        noesis.validateListType(bones, NoeBone)
        noesis.validateListType(kfBones, NoeKeyFramedBone) = name
        self.bones = bones
        self.kfBones = kfBones
        self.frameRate = frameRate
        self.flags = flags
    def __repr__(self):
        return "(NoeKFAnim:" + + ")"

#main animation class
#bones must be a list of NoeBone objects, frameMats must be a flat list of NoeMat43 objects
class NoeAnim:
    def __init__(self, name, bones, numFrames, frameMats, frameRate = 20.0, flags = 0):
        noesis.validateListType(bones, NoeBone)
        noesis.validateListType(frameMats, NoeMat43) = name
        self.bones = bones
        self.numFrames = numFrames
        self.frameMats = frameMats
        self.flags = flags
    def __repr__(self):
        return "(NoeAnim:" + + "," + repr(self.numFrames) + "," + repr(self.frameRate) + ")"

    def setFrameRate(self, frameRate):
        self.frameRate = frameRate

Example Code:

bones = []
numBones = bs.readInt()
for i in range(0, numBones):
    bone = noepyReadBone(bs)

anims = []
numAnims = bs.readInt()
for i in range(0, numAnims):
    animName = bs.readString()
    numAnimBones = bs.readInt()
    animBones = []
    for j in range(0, numAnimBones):
        animBone = noepyReadBone(bs)
    animNumFrames = bs.readInt()
    animFrameRate = bs.readFloat()
    numFrameMats = bs.readInt()
    animFrameMats = []
    for j in range(0, numFrameMats):
        frameMat = NoeMat43.fromBytes(bs.readBytes(48))
    anim = NoeAnim(animName, animBones, animNumFrames, animFrameMats, animFrameRate)

More sample codes: ./plugins/python/

def loadTransformData(self, bs):
    if self.nif.fileVer >= nifVersion(20, 5, 0, 2):
        self.rotKeys = []
        self.trnKeys = []
        self.sclKeys = []
        self.rotKeyType = noesis.NOEKF_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR
        self.trnKeyType = noesis.NOEKF_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR
        self.sclKeyType = noesis.NOEKF_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR

        numKeys = bs.readUInt()
        if numKeys > 0:
            rotKeyType = bs.readUInt()
            if rotKeyType == 0 or rotKeyType == 1 or rotKeyType == 4:
                self.rotKeyType = noesis.NOEKF_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR
                print("WARNING: Unsupported rotation key type:", rotKeyType)
            for i in range(0, numKeys):
                if rotKeyType == 0 or rotKeyType == 1:
                    keyTime = bs.readFloat()
                    w = bs.readFloat()
                    keyVal = NoeQuat( (bs.readFloat(), bs.readFloat(), bs.readFloat(), w) ).toMat43(1).toQuat()
                    self.rotKeys.append(NoeKeyFramedValue(keyTime, keyVal))
                elif rotKeyType == 4:
                    xyz = [ [], [], [] ]
                    for i in range(0, 3):
                        numSubKeys = bs.readUInt()
                        if numSubKeys > 0:
                            radianKeyType = bs.readUInt()
                            for j in range(0, numSubKeys):
                                keyTime = bs.readFloat()
                                if radianKeyType == 0 or radianKeyType == 1:
                                    xyz[i].append(NoeKeyFramedValue(keyTime, bs.readFloat()*noesis.g_flRadToDeg))
                                elif radianKeyType == 2:
                                    #possible todo - interpolate as bezier
                                    xyz[i].append(NoeKeyFramedValue(keyTime, bs.readFloat()*noesis.g_flRadToDeg))
                                    bezierIn = bs.readFloat()
                                    bezierOut = bs.readFloat()
                                    print("WARNING: Unsupported radian rotation type:", radianKeyType)
                    #this is largely untested, because the model i found using it only used it for the eyes,
                    #and it's hard to tell if it really works just based on eyes. (that's what she said)
                    xyz = rapi.mergeKeyFramedFloats(xyz)
                    for anglesKey in xyz:
                        self.rotKeys.append(NoeKeyFramedValue(anglesKey.time, NoeAngles(anglesKey.value).toMat43_XYZ().toQuat()))

It looks like key framed value is going to be the best option for implementing the version of animations I have, which defines a time and then gives a set of transformations at that given time.

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