
Stream of consciousness and other rants and ramblings

Testing the Raspberry Pi 4

There's a new Raspberry Pi out, which means I try to use it as my main computer

By Published

Can I install Gnome?
Can I install i3/sway?
Can I install xfce4?
Can I install kde?

Storage Speed with sd card?+
Storage Speed with usb 3.0?
Storage Speed with ssd via usb 3.0?
Can I set up raid or backup with 2x usb?

Can I install open street map?
Can I run godot?
Can I run blender?
Can I use a wacom tablet?

Debian Buster is out on the Raspbian release, but I want to see if debian official’s ARM64 image is able to run on the Pi.

Raspberry Pi Headless OpenGL

Note: There’s some EGL code already on the pi at: /opt/vc/src/hello_pi

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