
Stream of consciousness and other rants and ramblings

Piboy Pocket

Sketch of my concept of a Piboy Pocket back and white open source handheld

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Quick outline for the “Piboy Pocket”. Originally the idea was to use either a Raspberry Pi zero, or the Raspberry Pi computer module with an e-ink screen to replicate a Gameboy Pocket. Though after finding out how slow the refresh rate on an e-ink device screen is, that doesn’t seem like a viable option, at least for now. And if anything I think the Arduboy fits this niche pretty nicely already. And rather than a Pi the Arduino makes more sense for this task. Not to mention that $50 for a completed product than trying to roll my own (in this case). That being said it looks like the arduboy is out of stock, so it might be worth ordering one if I ever come across one.

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