
Stream of consciousness and other rants and ramblings

Planning Tutorials

Developing a Simple Content Management System for Starting with EGL Tutorials

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I’ve been trying to come up with a content management system for a while now. And I think I finally have something that might actually work. With content management i’ve always wanted something that’s simple where I can declare a few a few categories and then post a series of articles in a specific sequence. WordPress is good for stream-of-consciousness, but it’s kind of plugin hell to try and force a rigid layout.

Anyways, so content management seems to work. A few glaring omissions are a 404 not found page, mobile layout and client based navigation. And while it’s tempted to get into some of the bells and whistles right away, it’s a lot more important to focus on the content. So in terms of content, we need to start with the first EGL tutorial.

In the first tutorial for the forward, we need to cover what the tutorial covers, which is going from drawing a simple triangle, and moving our way up to rendering a simple model in OpenGL. For the environment that we want to do this is, we need to cover the expected set up, which is programming for the Raspberry Pi 3b with a display hat. And to do this we need another computer to act as the ssh-client and the first computer to act as the ssh host.

To summarize the forward should layout the environment and conditions needed to use to program for the tutorial. And then we need to cover what the tutorial is for, and what the final output should be. So we should create drawings for all for the environment that needs to be used.

From there the easiest way to get started for the tutorials themselves is to provide a framework, list the title, and provide an image for each step, and fill in a gitlab link where the tutorial code can be viewed by the person taking the tutorial. From there we should probably try and provide a summary of what will be covered in the tutorial, what parts of the tutorial are challenging and try to come up with aspects that we should either attempt to cover or not. And then we can highlights parts of the code that we want to cover, and think about if or how we want to illustrate each point.

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