
Stream of consciousness and other rants and ramblings

Quick Notes

Making incremental improvements to the DashGL website experience

By Published

I’ve finally had a chance to start making updates to DashGL again. And quick notes of things todo.

  1. Get a new Youtube intro
  2. Sketch out a new Homepage
  3. Figure out what to do with the blog

In this case 1 and 2 are easy, so we can get started on them.
To follow up with this, I ordered a youtube intro and used it this last week. I think we’ll continue to use it as we continue to make simple 10 minute videos every week.

New homepage is sketched out, designed and ordered. For the blog I think I want to stop this wordpress site to reduce the number of VPS that I have scattered everywhere. Normally I think I’d like to re-use this domain. But there are a few links that I would prefer not to break. So what I’ll do is export everything over as a static site and host it on gitlab with static pages under the same domain. I think any new blog going forward will be done on the homepage directly.

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