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Showdown! Denise versus Tron

An epic wallpaper commission giving love to the under-appretiated classic of the MisS Adventures of Tron Bonn

By Published

I saw this amazing piece that Luiz Lanzarin made on Twitter and wanted to see more Megaman Fan Art.

Amazing Fan Art of Roll

With Megaman Fan Art, I think a lot of art gets devoted to Megaman, Roll and Tron. I wanted something epic to highlight the overlooked classic of the Miss Adventures of Tron Bonn.

This was the concept for the piece that I wanted commisioned.

Janky Mock Up

Luiz countered with this sketch.

Quick Sketch of Tron Versus Denise

I loved the angle and the approach. He followed up soon with another draft:

Quick sketch with light colors of Tron Versus Denise

And then more of it quickly came together.

Composition of Tron Versus Denise

Then followed up with the derpy serv bots.

Serve Bot 42 Doing things

Clean Lines

Clean version of Tron Versus Denise

Base Color Version. I think this reflects the Megaman Legends art pretty closely.

Base Colors of Tron Versus Denise

Then with highlights and shading.

Tron Versus Denise Shaded version

Completed Version

Tron Versus Denise Final

There’s a little Easter Egg. Is Dashie now part of the Megaman Legends universe!!?

Dashie the Pirate

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